How it Works:

Avista Workability Supermarket

How we support potential employees:

  • Identify interests and skills
  • Provide employment related training
  • Individualised Career Planning
  • Showcase strengths
  • Strengthen abilities
  • Match people to employment opportunities bringing them closer to the workforce.

Employer Support

  • Customised Employment – Avista supports employers to identify workplace tasks to support with productivity and creating valued work roles.
  • Employment Supports – Avista provides guidance on inclusive recruitment and onboarding.
    Onsite support and training to both the employers and the employee.
  • Reasonable Accommodations – supporting employers and employees to identify and implement workplace accommodations to enable employees with a disability to carry out their work on an equal footing with others.
  • Disability Awareness Training – training to raise awareness, increase skills and confidence to employ more people with a disability.
  • Retention Supports – Avista will support both the employee and the employer to maintain/progress the employment opportunities.

Removing the barriers for people with intellectual disabilities

The Work and Access programme is a set of seven supports to help disabled people to get or stay in work. It is funded by the Department of Social Protection.

  1. Workplace Needs Assessment Grants of up to €2,500 are available to enable people with a disability or health condition to identify the supports they need in their workplace to do their job.
  2. Workplace Adaptations Grants of up to €25,000 are available to support employers with funding to adapt their business premises for an employee or future employee with a disability.
  3. Work Equipment Grants of up to €12,000 are available towards personalised assistive equipment or technology for people with disabilities working in the business premises or working remotely.
  4. Personal Reader funding is available to assist people who are blind or visually impaired with work-related reading.
  5. Communication support which funds help with job interviews, job inductions, in-work meetings or performance reviews.
  6. In-Work Support funding is available towards a work coach or specialist support to help a person with a disability to do their job or re-train if they move to another position.
  7. Disability Equality and Inclusion Training funding is available for employers with a paid workforce to train all their staff on disability and inclusion.

Find out how your business can get involved

Contact our Supported Employment team or call us on 087 185 7508

[email protected]


We are proud to work alongside:

Grants Available​ for Employers

Avista Supported Employment will provide you with all the information your business needs to support your staff with any possible workplace supports they may need.

Learn more about grants available for employers