Avista also provides respite services, which provide people with an intellectual disability with opportunities to gain new and positive experiences away from their families, promotes the wellbeing and experiences of the person with a disability, and at the same time supports carers to have a break.
Across Avista we provide a range of different respite options including:
- Residential Respite.
- Day Respite.
- Home Sharing.
- Connect Social Activity Respite in the Community.
A range of social activities on offer include bowling, cinema day trips, shopping and visiting the park or other activities as determined based on the preferences of the individuals we support.
Locations currently offering Residential Respite are :
Vincent’s Centre Lisnagry, Limerick – Sejare
St Vincent’s Centre, Navan Road, Dublin 7 – Saoirse
Community Residential Services Dublin – Ardcuan